Seribert s.r.l. was founded in 1995 by Gianni, Mariano, Massimo and Roberto, four professionals with twenty years’ experience in the screen printing sector who decided to join forces to give life to a company destined to instantly become a point of reference in its sector thanks to the quality and professionalism of its work.
We specialise in the production of self-adhesive labels and offer a broad range of solutions to our clients for the most varied types of applications: from bikes to motorcycles, all types of household appliances, gardening and agricultural equipment and machinery, the automotive and broadest range of industrial sectors. Every request, however complex and specific, is a challenge we are keen to welcome.

Quality as a vocation

Over the years, the business has grown hand-in-hand with the increasingly challenging demands of Italian and international clients, thanks to whom we have refined our work and achieved even higher standards of quality, such as to guarantee, on request, quality checks on each and every label. This process led us to obtain UNI EN ISO 9001 certification for our quality management system in 2007.


Despite continuous growth and ongoing investments in machinery, however, our company has never lost sight of the artisan nature of our business hinged on know-how, but also care and attention to detail at every stage of the process. The quality of our labels is owing to the capable coordination and organisation of the pre-printing, frame exposure, printing, die-cutting and packaging departments. When we speak of departments and offices, we are naturally talking about the people who work in them, who embody the spirit of Seribert every day.

Mission and vision

Mission: Our passion is our work, giving life to a client’s idea, the possibility of transforming it into a project and product. Seeing the things we create being used all around the world is a source of great satisfaction for us.

Vision: In thirty years of business, we have continually invested in cutting-edge technology, seeking to constantly improve the quality of our products and services without neglecting the “know-how” that has forever distinguished the graphic arts sector, focusing on flexibility which has forever been one of our strengths. Our primary aim is to grow the company with sustainable means, to be competitive in the market while at the same time affording utmost attention to quality, environmental, ethical and social aspects.

Confidentiality and secrecy

We work with clients whose products are the result of continuous studies and research at both a technological and design level, and for whom it is extremely important – even during design and production – to keep the final version of the product secret. At Seribert, we guarantee maximum confidentiality for every job, and clients themselves cannot access the department if not at specific times and accompanied by a manager.

Care for the environment

We strive to bring our ethical, social, and environmental commitment into our everyday choices. From the choice of processing materials, in an effort to minimise waste, through to the installation of a large photovoltaic system with the aim of achieving energy self-sufficiency. One example of this approach and dedication is the decision to offer our staff the use of e-bikes as an alternative to their own means of transportation.


Labels for


Labels for

Unlimited quality

Over the years, Seribert has also exported self-adhesive labels on sheets and reels to the Chinese market.
This practice, which might seem ordinary for some, is in fact a rarity in our sector and a source of great satisfaction, further demonstrating the fact that we are a point of reference for clients seeking quality labels.